Freedomnomics 101

How’s that Obamacare Working Out For You, Students?
As the effects of Obamacare are finally being noticed by young people, many are disappointed and confused as to why their costs have increased and their options have decreased. Becky Norton Dunlop, Vice President of External Relations at The Heritage Foundation, explains why this is occurring and offers conservative solutions to remedy the situation.

How Government Keeps Gas Prices High
Gas prices today are the highest they’ve ever been. Students across the country are feeling the pinch in their wallets. What can government do to reverse this and why have they been the major obstacle in American energy freedom? Becky Norton Dunlop, Vice President of External Relations at The Heritage Foundation, provides these answers.

Uber & Food Trucks - Why Free Markets Work
Using technological innovations such as Uber, Lyft, food trucks, and Airbnb, Matt Kibbe, President & CEO of FreedomWorks, discusses how free markets work to benefit the average person and the obstacles that can impede their success.

Why Economics Matters
While economics might not be the most popular academic discipline, Matt Kibbe, President & CEO of FreedomWorks, makes the case for the importance of studying economics and how it can affect your opportunities in life.

Like Living in the Basement? Why Good Job Markets Matter
Why has 1/3 of all 18-34 year olds had to move home? Evan Feinberg, President of Generation Opportunity, explains how government and “Crony Capitalism” has hurt the job market and details surprise statistics regarding youth unemployment.

Tuitionomics 101: Why Student Debt Is Increasing
Why has college tuition gone up so much in recent years? Evan Feinberg, President of Generation Opportunity, explains how the federal government has inadvertently caused the tuition increase and discusses ways in which to reverse this trend.
Sex, Lies and Women’s Studies

Part 6/6: Getting Active on Campus!
Author and political commentator, Kate Obenshain, offers an alternative path for conservative women interested in politics by suggesting how to get involved in the process themselves.

Part 5/6: Reforming Feminism
Using primary sources, Mona Charen, a well-known syndicated political columnist, former Reagan speechwriter and bestselling author, offers thoughtful solutions to reforming feminism to restore it to its traditional roots.

Part 4/6: Obamacare vs. Women
Are women just focused on free contraceptives and birth control? Independent Women’s Forum Director of Health Policy, Hadley Heath Manning, says women care about accessible and affordable health care more than free birth control pills.

Part 3/6: Deconstructing "Pay Inequality"
Diana Furchtgott-Roth, Director of Economics21 & Senior Fellow of The Manhattan Institute, will be discussing the myths and realities of pay equality in America.

Part 2/6: Deconstructing Modern Feminism
Star Parker, President of the Center for Urban Renewal & Education (CURE), discusses the unintended consequences of modern feminism in society.

Part 1/6: Deconstructing "Women's Studies"
Karin Agness, President of the Network of enlightened Women (NeW), provides an overview of current women’s studies programs and centers and how they are failing to properly educate college females.